Category: HVAC Services

The Advantages of Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is a marvel of modern engineering that regulates indoor temperature, humidity and air quality. It uses a cycle of refrigeration to cool the air.

Air Conditioning

The refrigerant loops back and forth through the evaporator coils, changing from a liquid to a gas. Then it moves to the condenser coils and releases heat to the outdoors. Contact Ausco Air Heating & Air Conditioning for professional help.

The humidity in a space can contribute significantly to the temperature, making it feel warmer than it actually is. High humidity also traps heat, which can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. In addition, it can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause health problems for people who live in these spaces.

Air conditioning reduces humidity by circulating the air in the room to lower its temperature and dehumidifying it to remove excess moisture. It does this by blowing the air over a set of cool pipes called an evaporator coil, which works on the same principle as a fridge or when water evaporates off your skin. The evaporator coil is filled with coolant, known as freon, and when it boils due to a change in pressure, it absorbs the heat from the surrounding air. This cools the air, and the boiled gas then gets pumped through another coil in the outdoor unit where it is condensed back into its liquid state.

This process is a critical part of how air conditioners work to cool the air, but it is also what makes them effective dehumidifiers. The process takes a lot of energy, which is why it’s important that air conditioners are properly maintained and serviced regularly to prevent excessive wear and tear.

High humidity levels can increase energy consumption because the air conditioner will have to work harder to cool the space. Additionally, it can damage components such as the compressor, reducing its lifespan.

By managing humidity levels, air conditioning can provide comfort to occupants and improve energy efficiency. In addition, it can help to protect valuables and building materials from moisture damage. It can also reduce allergies and asthma triggers by lowering the presence of mold, mildew and dust mites. It can also make it easier to sleep at night, which is especially important for older people or children who are susceptible to sleep disturbances. Finally, it can reduce unpleasant odors that may occur in a damp environment. This is especially true in bathrooms and kitchens, which produce a lot of excess moisture.

Reduces Heat Stroke

Air conditioning keeps indoor temperatures cool, which helps to regulate the body’s temperature and prevent heat-related illnesses. This is especially important for vulnerable populations like the elderly, young children and those with pre-existing health conditions.

The most serious heat-related illness is heat stroke, which can be fatal if not treated promptly. This is caused when the core body temperature reaches a dangerously high level due to external temperatures and humidity. During this stage, the heart and lungs begin to work harder to cool the body. The lungs produce excessive mucus, the brain is affected, and a person may lose consciousness. Heat stroke is typically accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, confusion and headaches.

An efficient air conditioning system not only cools the indoor air, but it also dehumidifies it. This reduces humidity, making it easier for the lungs to work effectively and prevents the buildup of sweat on the body. It’s also important to avoid wearing heavy or loose clothing during a hot day. Instead, opt for lighter clothing that reflects the sun’s rays and allows the skin to breathe.

In addition to preventing heat-related diseases, air conditioning can improve your productivity at home or in the office by providing a comfortable environment for you and your family members to stay focused. When you feel tired, uncomfortable or irritable, it’s much harder to concentrate and perform efficiently. This is why air conditioning should be a priority in all homes.

While it’s not an alternative to air conditioning, using portable electric fans can help limit a rise in indoor temperatures during a heat wave. Make sure to keep the air moving by positioning fans throughout your house and covering windows that receive morning and afternoon sun with shades or curtains. Staying hydrated is another great way to stay healthy in summer, as is exercising in the early morning or evening when the sun is not at its peak. If you do notice heat-related symptoms such as dizziness, confusion or nausea, get to a cooler place and seek medical assistance immediately.

Reduces Dehydration

It might be heavenly lying down on your bed and letting the cool breeze of the AC surround you at night but too much use of air conditioning can have some serious health consequences. One of the major problems that can come from too much use of air conditioners is dehydration. This is because ACs tend to dry out the air in your room which can make you lose fluids from your skin, eyes, nose and throat. This can also result in low immunity and even make you lethargic.

This problem usually arises when you keep your air conditioner on for long periods of time. It is important to check the humidity levels in your home and if necessary, increase it as this can prevent the build-up of dust or mould which can lead to allergies.

Another common problem associated with excessive use of air conditioning is itching or dry eyes and skin. This is caused by the fact that the cooling effect of air conditioners removes moisture from the air which can cause your skin to become flaky and itchy. It can also lead to itchy or irritated mucus membranes.

The good news is that if you drink enough water and stay hydrated while in an air conditioned room then this will help to reduce the risk of dehydration. You should also try to stay in naturally ventilated areas and take regular breaks from your air conditioned spaces if possible, as this will help to keep your body properly hydrated.

Overall, there are many benefits to using an air conditioning service in the summer. However, it is important to note that too much use of air conditioning can lead to some serious health issues such as dry eyes and skin, dehydration and lethargy. By following some simple tips and ensuring that your air conditioning is well maintained, you can enjoy the benefits of air conditioning without any negative side effects. If you are having trouble with your air conditioning then it is a good idea to get in touch with a professional to discuss the options available to you.

Reduces Noise

Many people love the soft, humming sounds of a well-maintained air conditioner because it is a pleasant reminder that cool relief from summer heat is on its way. But, loud, disruptive AC noises can be a sign that the system is not operating as it should. Loud AC noises can be caused by a variety of factors, including damaged components, dirt and debris, overworking, and overheating.

A few simple steps can help reduce air conditioning noise. For example, a compressor blanket made of sound-dampening material can reduce noise by up to 65 percent. These blankets are available for most popular AC models and are easy to install. Clean fan blades can also cut down on rattling and vibration sounds, especially if they are blunted or unbalanced.

Leaky ductwork can also contribute to AC noise because it allows outside air to enter the home and disrupts the temperature balance. Sealing ducts can reduce this problem. A new AC system can also be a lot quieter than older models. Choosing a variable-speed model that adjusts its speed based on cooling demand will reduce both noise and energy consumption.

Lastly, planting bushes or shrubs around the AC unit can promote sound muffling and reduce how far loud AC noise travels into the home. However, it is important to leave at least a 3-foot radius clear so that the air conditioning unit can obtain fresh air for its operation.

Finally, regular AC maintenance can prevent a noisy air conditioner from developing. This can include clearing seasonal debris, changing filters, rinsing drains, and updating the unit. In addition, an annual inspection by a professional HVAC technician will ensure the system is operating at its best and may identify problems before they become too serious to resolve. 
